Quotes From "Keys" By Santosh Joshi

Do you ever think if people heard our conversations they'd...
Do you ever think if people heard our conversations they'd lock us up?" All the time. Wendy Mass
Without sound, There would be no music. And without music, There would be no life. And without a life force, There would be no matter. But it does not matter -Because what is matter, If there is no light? Suzy Kassem
Dreams are like inserting new doors! Dedication like your door lock , Passion like your bolts and Faith like your keys! Hold on tight to your dreams ! Remember one day all your hard work will pay off in ways you never imagined." - Gavhi Theron.P Gavhi Theron
I've got the key to my castle in the air,...
I've got the key to my castle in the air, but whether I can unlock the door remains to be seen. Louisa May Alcott
Woe to you experts in the law, because you have...
Woe to you experts in the law, because you have taken away the key to knowledge. You yourselves have not entered, and you have hindered those who were entering." Luke 11:52 Lailah Gifty Akita
Your failures contain key to your success and your destination
Your failures contain key to your success and your destination Sunday Adelaja
Be music always. Keep changing the keys, tones, pitch, and...
Be music always. Keep changing the keys, tones, pitch, and volume of each of the songs you create along your life's journey and play on. Suzy Kassem
Life is like a piano. White keys are happy moments and the black ones are sad moments. Both keys are played together to give us the sweet music called Life. Suzy Kassem
Believe me when I say: 'Out of all those around, she’s the best locksmith in town.' Her stethoscope ears know when the dials of your heart click into place. She’s been cutting keys for years. You don’t stand a chance with that flimsy case. Alas, no matter how you lock your heart– bolt, fixture, and key– she’s got nimble fingersthat pick locks for free. Padlocks and deadboltsare all in vain. Why do you even botherwith that chain? She’s way too smart. Along with ours, she’ll have your heart. And you will see that the best locksmith in town is she. Kamand Kojouri
Words work like keys. When you use them appropriately, you can unlock any locked heart. Ahmed Alibage
God holds the right key to every door. Lailah Gifty Akita
It has an L on it. L for love. See? It's the key to the universe, Dad. You said you were looking for it. You told Mom you were. I found it for you so you don't have to look anymore. So you can come home at night. Jennifer Donnelly
We are chained by our own control. Life is nothing more than finding the key that unlocks every part of our soul. Shannon L. Alder
Every man walks his own path, and every path has its fair share of locked doors. You never know who holds the key to a door you’ll need to open one day, so you best treat people as if they are all keyholders. A.J. Darkholme
Friendship is a door you will never need to knot on as you will always have a key. Wes Adamson
The 9th key may be the door opener. Don't give up after trying the 8th. Keep doing it! Israelmore Ayivor
Some people are born to hold keys, while others are born to use them. A.J. Darkholme
The Shelly he knew had tried too hard to be sexy. This woman didn’t bother with make-up or fixing her hair. Yet she was damn near irresistible. For a second he imagined this babe chasing him around like Shelly had… and letting her catch him. He’d have that sundress off her in no time. Meryl Sawyer
One of the keys to achieving understanding is humility. Norhafsah Hamid
Ophelia was surprised by how easily she lied. She had two stolen keys in her pocket, and the lies were sliding off her tongue. Soon, she'd probably be shoplifting. She expected that was how it started. Karen Foxlee
There are three keys for your journey. Humility, wisdom, love. Don’t leave without them - they will enrich you all the way. And they will bless those around you. Anusha Atukorala
Perseverance is one of the keys to overcome the adverse circumstances of life. Prophetess Dina Rolle
The moon seemed to veil herself before the bold looks of Satan. The night was cold. All the doors were closed, all the windows darkened. and the streets deserted. From their appearance, one would have imagined that, for a long time past no foot had traversed those silent streets. Everything around us bore a death-like aspect. It seemed as if, when day came, no one would open their doors; that no head, of woman or of child, would look out of those dark, dull windows; that no step would break the silence which fell, like a pall, upon all around. I seemed to be walking in a city which had been buried some ages. In truth, the town seemed to have been depopulated, and the cemetery to have grown full. Still we went forward, without hearing a murmur, or meeting even with a shadow. The street stretched for a long way across this fearful city of silence and repose. At last we reached my house.' You remember it?' said the fiend.' Yes, ' replied I, sullenly, 'let us enter.' 'First, ' said he, 'we must open the door. It is I, by the way, who invented the science of opening doors without breaking them in. In fact, I have a second key to all doors and gates - with one exception - that of Paradise! . James Hain Friswell
The door refuses and resists any key which does not belong to that door! Mehmet Murat Ildan
One two, one two, Type a word or two. Arrow left, arrow right, Keep those fingers nice and tight. Keys up, Keys down, Move those digits all around. One two, one two, Type a word or two. Jazz Feylynn
He's stubborn, " Tux warned in a singsong tone." Stay out of this, " Mark spat." And touchy, " Tux added. Brandon Mull
Please, " Kendra said. "Think of all the lives that will be destroyed."" I have, " Mark said. "Believe me, darling, I grasp all aspects of this, I really do. But how much has the public I'm protecting worried about me? My sanity, my happiness, my right to find peace?"" They made no promises, " Bracken said. "They are not preventing the end of the world. Those who know about your sacrifice appreciate you immeasurably. Your life may not be fair, but it is absolutely necessary. . Brandon Mull
Quinn had never stayed at a hotel that used real keys. Most had plastic keycards--like credit cards that you slide through a sensor--though her aunt Deirdre had told her about a tiny hotel in Paris she'd once stayed at that still had brass keys attached to enormous key chains shaped like the Eiffel Tower. Unknown
Mental attitude and concentration are the keys to pitching. Ferguson Jenkins
Only divine love bestows the keys of knowledge. Arthur Rimbaud
Children are the keys of paradise. Eric Hoffer
We receive His peace when we ask Him for it. We keep His peace by extending it to others. Those are the keys and there are no others. Marianne Williamson
Diversification and globalization are the keys to the future. Fujio Mitarai